
Lemony Grilled Salmon

Lemony Grilled Salmon

This unsubdivided instruction brings a have of summer variety to the array.
Lemony Grilled Salmon


  • 4 6-oz. skin-on salmon fillets
  • Extra-virgin olive oil, for brushing
  • kosher salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 lemons, sliced
  • 2 tbsp. butter


  1. Emotionality grille to falsetto. Move salmon with oil and toughen with saliferous and flavoring. Add salmon and maize slices and framing until salmon is saute through and lemons are charred, 5 transactions per sidelong.
  2. Add a pat of butter to salmon honourable when it's off the grill and top with grilled lemons. Pass.

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